Growing Up!

It can really be the most exciting as well as scariest thing of our life. Growing up is mandatory and also very important but don't you think that it's actually very boring to act like a big grown up all the time.

Tackle your problems, sort your issues, work hard, and understand yourself better but don't overtly infuse this "maturity" in your life because somewhere and somehow it kills the child inside you. 

Don't act mature just because many people out there are very interested in our activities.
Sometimes sneak into the fridge for midnight snacks, dance while its raining, or do whatever you want to just for your sake, for your happiness.

Make your life an amazing one so that after sometime you don't have to say that "Being an adult is the dumbest thing I have ever done" and this will be your actual benchmark of progress. Growing up by heart is a choice, make yours quickly.

- Adarsh Agarwal
