One Step to Oneness

World is not just a group of many countries, states and water bodies but also a combination of variety of beautiful religions and different nationalists. We all have grown up with the thoughts that this variety of religions and nations are divisions between us but this is not true. Yes, I do agree and respect that we have many national religious boundaries but this is just our mindset that these boundaries and difference in our culture are DIVISIONS. 

The reality is that we are interdependent on each other for everything. The truth that we all are "human beings" is much bigger than differences among us and because of it we must co-exist with peace, compassion and mindfulness rather than worrying about levels of justice, hatred and divisions.

Living with each other, standing up for each other and loving each other is what Global Secular Ethics mean and making these Global Secular Ethics a worldwide initiative is in our hands. So, the coming generations can grow up with the idea of unity and sense of oneness. 

Feelings like love, hatred, compassion, division, care and narrow thinking are grounded in human nature. We are bound to act both positively or negatively but it depends on us that what we want to give to others and how the world can be a more friendly and peaceful place. 

We all can live like one big family then why we are overpowering these differences and destroying this beautiful world. After all, everyone of us is born and will die the same way. No step to human development can be taken alone because human development relies on cooperation. 

So, be a part of this natural affinity for goodness. Be there for each other. Support each other. We owe this "Oneness" to "Our World".

- Adarsh Agarwal
