Take the Risk

Getting out of your comfort zone is key to experiencing new things, broadening your horizons and taking the risks that helps us grow as people to either achieve our goals and do the things we've always wanted to do or atleast say we tried to get there, even if we fell short.

Sir John A Shedd said that 'A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are meant for.' Aship exist to run on sea waves, to fight tough weather, and to go faraway ports, whether for national or commercial purposes, ships are meant to go far off places because ships standing on ports are almost useless. Safety is nice, caring for your safety is also nice, but when you are completely safe, you really can't work too much. There must and should be a balance between safety and risk.

It is better to get started and do the things you need to do, than to sit and rot yourself by doing nothing. Even if you fail, atleast there will be a self satisfying feeling that you have tried and given your best and also that you have got to learn something extraordinary in process.

In the end, only you can decide if the risk is worth it or not, but if all you ever do is hide in your safe zone and do nothing, you probably are not going to enjoy life as much as you would if you were out there living it. So, live your life to the fullest, come out of that secure corner of yours and have the courage to take risks. 

Be fearless.

- Adarsh Agarwal
