Friendship: A Bold We Live


Friendship, a sublime dance of hearts entwined, transcends the ordinary and becomes the 'oeuvre'(composition) of comforting silence that speaks, shared laughter and unspoken understanding. It's a tapestry woven with threads of loyalty, trust, and the warmth of companionship. In the kaleidoscope of life, friends are the vibrant hues that illuminate our darkest days and magnify our triumphs. It's a sanctuary where judgment fades, and acceptance thrives. This link strengthens with 'ebb & flow' of time, becoming an everlasting flame that flickers with hints of subtle inside jokes and the stories that define us.

These lines are the dedicated testament to shared experiences I have with my friends. They are the handwritten annotations in the margins of my story. Together, we navigate the twists and turns, creating a mosaic of love, support, and enduring camaraderie—a bond we don't just cherish but live, breathe, and carry within our hearts.

- Adarsh Agarwal
